Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Farewell, Sweet Summer

Now let's be clear - I hang on to summer until the very end. (And I'm talking right up until the real first day of fall, which is still over 6 weeks away.) But tomorrow, my daughter starts Kindergarten, so as a family enjoying the bliss of summer's freedom, today is the last day. I could write a novel on the bittersweet mixed emotions I'm feeling about her going on to her first full days of school (and/or my feelings on why I think this is too early for kids to start the school year), but instead I thought I'd share just a few of my favorite pictures we snapped this summer as a family.

I also wanted to mention that today, my sweet Emmett is officially 3 year seizure free. For those who don't know his story, you can read about that right here. We are endlessly grateful for the fact that he beat such a horrific disease, and we will continue to celebrate (and also make ourselves available to other IS parents) for the rest of our lives.

Who else has kids going back to school this week? When do you consider summer to be over?

Via Wellness http://www.rssmix.com/

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