Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Being an Ally and Taking a Break

Artwork by Sacrée Frangine 

A few days ago, I posted on Instagram about my personal responsibility as a White person and parent of White children to teach my kids about racial injustice, the importance of being an ally, and how to make it a priority to listen to and amplify the voices of their Black friends and all Black people. I have also posted consistently in my Instagram Stories with my thoughts on what is happening right now, why it is crucial for non-Black "influencers" (you all know how I feel about that word) to speak up and not remain silent no matter how uncomfortable it might feel, and resources to help us do our part to actually creating change.

I realize now though that THIS IS NOT ENOUGH. If we are truly allies, we need to speak up, but we also need to take ACTION. I am choosing to take a break from posting here and on social media for now, so that I can (1) listen to and make room for the voices of Black people, as these are the voices that need and deserve to be front and center, (2) do as much of my own research as possible into systematic racism and ways to be truly anti-racist (rather than asking my Black friends to share their resources or experiences; they are exhausted and should not be expected to provide the emotional labor to educate me or other white people on topics we should be putting the work into ourselves) and (3) find ways I can actively make a difference to put an end to the massive racial injustice that encompasses this country, by donating funds, contacting my local congressmen/women, and finding ways to peacefully protest. I will also continue to amplify the voices of my Black sisters and brothers by sharing what they have to say, as well as resources to help create positive change, in my Instagram Stories.

I want to be an ally. I vow to do more.

Via Wellness http://www.rssmix.com/

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