Monday, June 8, 2020

Listening, Learning, and Taking Action

The cover of this week's Time magazine. This soul crushingly powerful artwork is by Titus Kaphar, an American artist whose work examines the history of representation.

Last Tuesday, I posted about how I would be taking a break from posting Bubby and Bean content here and on my social media channels, in an effort to make room for Black voices (who deserve to be heard; now and always), spend time researching, learning, and listening, and start to more actively make a difference. That is exactly what I did. I also consistently and frequently shared (and continue to share) resources and amplified Black voices on my Instagram Stories. (If you go to my Instagram account, click on the "BLM" highlight on my profile to see what I've shared. It will remain there indefinitely.)

I lost hundreds of Instagram followers over this past week, simply for speaking up about what is right. And I am relieved and grateful that these followers left. I have also, in the past, had agencies I work with tell me to shy away from getting political (which this is not anyway; this is human decency) or sharing any sort of "controversial" content. I won't be working with these agencies anymore. I have always considered myself to be vocally anti-racist, but I have learned so much over this past week about how much better I need to do.

This past week of being muted may be over, but things are not the same. Am I going to stop posting my usual lifestyle/design/parenting/home related content to focus solely on social justice? No. That is not my expertise, and for 10 years, Bubby and Bean has been lifestyle based, and will continue to be. (My next post will be about my kids, and sharing an end-of-school-year interview you can give to yours. ) Am I going to continue to do what I can to show my support for BLM on social media? Yes. Am I going to make more of an effort to include Black and other People of Color here and on social media? Absolutely. Am I going to continue to share resources on ways to learn about systemic racist and to take action against horrific injustices? YES. This is only just beginning. I encourage my friends and followers to continue this momentum. We have to create substantial change. Period.

Amplifying Black voices and taking action against horrific injustice should not and must not be a temporary trend. I may lose more followers, and I may lose campaigns, and I may lose money, and I am good with that. Again, I hope my fellow non-Black friends and followers will join me in continuing this fight. We have a responsibility, and it doesn't end today.

Thank you for listening. Thank you for doing something.

Via Wellness

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