Thursday, June 18, 2020

Scenes from Summer

I don't post a lot of random personal content on the blog these days, and usually reserve that for Instagram. But today, I just sort of felt like it. Here are some scenes from our summer so far. We're trying to make the best of what is an unusual summer for everyone.

Having my husband home has been such a silver lining to all of this. He is almost never home on weekends in the summer, but now that the band isn't touring he's here every weekend. In just a few weekends, we have done more in our yard (landscaping, planting, gardening, etc.) than the in the combined two years we've lived in this house, since we have real weekends now. And the kids getting to spend time with their dad during the summertime is such a treat. He was also supposed to be playing Red Rocks this weekend, but now we get him home for Father's Day.

Other than that, it's been a lot of backyard play time in the inflatable pool and on the play set, neighborhood bike rides, forest preserve exploration, Zoom activities (dance and basketball), and movie nights. We had to make the difficult (but safe) decisions to cancel (or hopefully just postpone) our annual trip up to Lake Geneva in Wisconsin and our trip to Florida (including our first time at Disney), but we are safe and healthy and have nothing to complain about.

I hope your unusual summer is going just as well!

Via Wellness

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