Monday, June 15, 2020

Strawberry Ice Cream Floats

Strawberry Ice Cream Floats

It's officially ice cream float season! Okay, so I made that up. But if you ask me, once June arrives, summer is here, and summer is the season of all things ice cream. As a kid, my favorite float was cola with vanilla ice cream. But my little ones prefer strawberry, so in our house, the strawberry float is queen. Our recipe for this delicious summertime treat is below!

Strawberry Ice Cream Float
makes 1 serving

2 scoops strawberry ice cream (we also love it with spumoni ice cream, as pictured here!)
1 cup strawberry soda, chilled
1 cup cream soda, chilled
strawberries for garnish

Place ice cream in a glass. Pour chilled strawberry and cream soda over ice cream. Garnish with strawberries. We love them topped with whipped cream too.

Happy ice cream float season, friends!

Via Wellness

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