Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Back-to-School Caprese Sandwiches

Mini Caprese Sandwiches

It's back to school week around here! My 6 year old starts first grade today (what?!), and my 4 year old starts Pre-K in less than 3 weeks. School is going to be a very unique "adventure" this year, so we're trying to make it equal parts exciting and "normal." (Lots of quotes happening, and for good reason.) 

Whether your kids are starting e-learning, homeschool, or going back in person, it's fun to try to get them pumped with small everyday things like special food. We made these sandwiches yesterday that I shared with you last year, and it seemed like the perfect time to share again.  

You might remember the tofu caprese salad recipe I shared a couple of weeks ago. It is so easy to turn that recipe into a sandwich and just replace the cheese in the recipe below with tofu if you're plant-based or just want to try something different. 

Dinner Roll Caprese Sandwiches

Simple Mini Caprese Sandwiches
Serves 1

1 dinner roll or bun
1 tomato slice
1 slice fresh mozzarella (or tofu; see note above)
2-3 pieces of fresh basil
olive oil

Cut dinner rolls or buns in half. Drizzle top of bottom half with a small amount of olive oil, and add a sprinkle of salt. Layer fresh mozzarella,  tomato, and basil leaves. Done! Add a fun back-to-school themed toothpick topper or message.

Mini Caprese Sandwiches

⁣Sending lots of good B-T-S vibes your way. (If you have any to send back here, we'll take them!)

Via Wellness

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