Wednesday, September 9, 2020

A First Day of Preschool Interview (For In Person, E-Learning, or Homeschool!)

A First Day of Preschool Interview (For In Person, E-Learning, or Homeschool!)

If you've been following us for a while, you know that over the past couple of years, I have put together a fun 'interview' with questions to ask my kids on their first days of school (and on the last day, to see how answers of changed).  I shared my daughter's answers a couple of weeks ago. My son's first day was yesterday, so I thought I'd share his answers as well. 

As I mentioned with my daughter's interview, I changed the questions slightly this year incorporate the new 'normal' in which we're living. Whether your child is learning in person, remotely, or via homeschool this year, this survey is a fun way to document the beginning of the year. 

1. What is your name? Emmett.
2. What grade are you in? Pre-K.
3. How old are you? 4-1/2.
4. What is your favorite color? Blue.
5. What is your favorite thing to do at school? Play.  
6. What is your favorite activity outside of school? Soccer and gymnastics.
7. What do you want to be when you grow up? A musician and Sonic (the Hedgehog).
8. What is your favorite food? Mac and cheese. 
9. How old is your mommy? 10.  
10. What is her job? Yoga. (I wish!)
11. What is mommy's favorite food? Spinach.  
12. How old is your daddy? 40.   
13. What is his job? Work. 
14. What is daddy's favorite food? Mahi mahi.
15. What do mommy and daddy like to do? Go on a date.
16. If you have brothers or sisters, what are their names? Essley.
17. How old is your brother(s) (and/or sisters)? 6.
18. What is your brother(s) (and/or sisters) favorite food? Fried chicken.
19. What is your favorite toy? Paw Patrol toys.
20. Where do you live? Chicagoland.
21. What is your favorite thing to do? Go to Disney World because we never went.  
22. What is your favorite place you've ever been? McDonalds. 
23. Who is your best friend? Nick.
24. What is your favorite animal? Dinosaurs.
25. If you could have anything you wished for, what would it be? Go to Disney.
26. Are you learning at school, on the computer at home, or doing homeschool this year? All of them.
27. What is one thing you love about the unique way you are doing school this year? I like to wear my Cookie Monster mask at school.  

I'd love to see your kids answers as well, for anyone who wants to share! (I got the cute chalkboard sign in the photo above right here.)

Via Wellness

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