Monday, September 21, 2020

Apple Picking

Chicago Apple Picking

I usually reserve posts focused on our everyday life as a family for Instagram, and use this space to offer you guys more useful content (ya know, recipes, home improvement tips, etc.). But we had so much fun picking apples last week that I wanted to share here too. I mean let's face it, fall and Halloween and all the goodness that comes with this season are going to be different and scaled back this year, so maybe sharing these moments of 'normalcy' will bring a hint of joy to our cold, weary, pandemic-depressed souls. (Never claimed not to be dramatic.)

Chicago Apple Picking
Chicago Apple Picking
Chicago Apple Picking

We usually opt for an orchard that is about 20 minutes away, but that one is only open on the weekends which makes for a very crowded experience, and crowds during Covid aren't our jam. So we ended up driving quite a bit further this year, and went on a Tuesday after school. We ended up practically having the place to ourselves which was perfect. It was a little early in the season for apples, but we discovered a variety that is close to Honeycrisp (our favorite), and mostly picked those. We also picked up some cider doughnuts, caramel apples, and kettle corn in the orchard's shop, which was a terrible idea for me (sorry, sugar fast) but made the kids oh so happy.

Chicago Apple Picking
Chicago Apple Picking

Coincidentally, today is the last official day of summer, which bums me right out, but looking at these photos inspires me to really try to make fall the best it can possibly be this year. 

Via Wellness

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