Friday, October 30, 2020

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween! This is definitely the most unusual Halloween we've ever experienced (and that's saying a lot, considering it snowed like five inches here in Chicago on Halloween last year), but we are making the best of it. We're creating a socially distanced trick-or-treat table at the end of the driveway, and our kids will be visiting some other houses we know where people will be doing the same. Since we're not doing a full on trick-or-treating adventure this year, we also plan to do a fun candy hunt in our house and have a movie marathon. The silver lining to Halloween in a pandemic is that my husband, who is usually on the road with the band, is home this year and actually agreed to a family costume. (Those that know him in real life are probably as shocked as I am. It's bananas.) I'll share the family costume this weekend on my Instagram, but for now, here are some photos of past costumes. 

Happy Halloween from Bubby and Bean
Happy Halloween!

Shark Family Halloween Costume
Family Halloween Costume Ideas

We hope you have your own kind of spooky fun on this unusual Halloween.

Via Wellness

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