Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Our 2020 Family Holiday Cards

Postable Holiday Cards

Those of you who have been reading here for a while know that even though I don't often get personal about my private life (especially when it comes to my kids), I always share our family holiday cards with you all. And I say this every year, but it's worth repeating: sharing family holiday cards might not seem like a deep dive into our personal lives, but there is something very intimate about them. They are the most special greeting we send to our closest friends and family at the end of every year, and they represent our gratitude for those people. Well, I'm grateful for you all as well, and that's why I choose to share these with you in a post every November.  

Also, let's face it. 2020 has been a real a-hole of a year, and that just makes me want to share greetings of peace and love and joy more than ever. 

Honestly, I can't think of a year I have ever not sent out holiday cards. They are one of my absolute favorite seasonal traditions. (I even have a line of them of my own, although they're a much different style than the ones I send out myself these days.) And six years ago, I discovered a holiday card company that not only had the hippest cards around, they went above and beyond to make my life easier. So please allow me to gush for a minute about them, my beloved Postable.

Postable Holiday Cards
Postable Holiday Cards

Before I start my annual professing of love for Postable, I want to say that Postable did not (and has never) paid me to review them. This is just one of those time that I have fallen in love with a brand, gotten to know them, and feel inspired to spread the word of their awesomeness. Again and again. What initially drew me to them way back when was their huge selection of beautifully designed, fully customizable cards that are all 100% post-consumer recycled and/or tree-free 100% (envelopes too). Once I had their cards in hand, I was impressed by other things too - from the quality of the cards themselves to the quickness of their shipping. 

Postable Holiday Cards
Postable Holiday Cards
Postable Holiday Cards

I think my favorite thing about Postable, however, is that they do all the freaking work you guys. Not only do they print my cards, they stuff the envelopes, address them, stamp them, and mail them for me too. So basically, I have not had an envelope cut on my tongue in years, and that is glorious. And the process of getting them made and sent couldn't be easier. I choose a card design (which is by far the longest part of it because the options are endless), upload my photos, greetings, and names, choose my font, choose an envelope color, click on the addresses saved in my address book, and hit order. A few days later, my cards arrive in my loved ones mailbox, which leaves me way more time to binge watch dark holiday comedies and eat peppermint bark in bed. 

Postable Holiday Cards
Postable Holiday Cards

Thank you one again to my friends at Postable for making the holiday season a little brighter by creating beautiful cards and making it beyond easy to get them sent. After the year we've all had, I appreciate thie more than ever. I'll also mention once again the people who work for the company are genuinely kind humans too. So kind that they are giving you 20% off your entire order with code BEAN20. So get over to their site right now and start designing, friends. Happy holidays, and happy holiday card giving!

This post is in collaboration with Postable


Via Wellness http://www.rssmix.com/

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