Monday, November 23, 2020

Snowman Fruit Kabobs

Snowman Fruit Kabobs

Happy (almost) holidays! It doesn't feel quite like Thanksgiving week to me, but 2020 has felt completely strange since March so I'm not surprised that things seem a little off. I think the weirdness will make most of us will appreciate the magic that comes with the holiday season more than ever though. And part of that magic in our home is spending time together making food and crafts. 

My daughter came up with the idea for these fruit kabob snow people a few weeks ago, and we've been having so much fun making them that I had to share with you guys. (They're also a freaking great way to get your kids to eat healthy!)

Snowman Fruit Kabobs

Snowman Fruit Kabobs

(Makes 2)

1 banana, peeled
1 strawberry
1 green apple
1 baby carrot
4 pretzel sticks
10 mini chocolate chips or raisins
2 wooden skewers

1. Cut banana into 6 thicks slices (3 for each snowman).
2. Cut triangle shapes (1 from strawberry and 1 from green apple) for hats, 2 slivers from baby carrot for noses, and peel slices of green apple for scarves.
3. Slide 3 banana slices onto each skewer. Top one with the strawberry triangle and the other with the apple triangle.⁣
4. Insert pretzel sticks for arms, carrot slices for noses, and mini chocolate chips or raisins for eyes and buttons.

Snowman Fruit Kabobs

This recipe is a craft project and yummy snack in one. Have fun!


Via Wellness

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