Friday, December 18, 2020

My 5 Favorite Things About Cozy Season

The 5 Best Things About Cozy Season
This post is sponsored by Campbell's®, Kraft®, and Pepperidge Farm®, but all opinions are my own.

You guys are well aware that this isn't exactly my favorite time of year weather-wise, but I have made a vow this year to embrace the coziness of the chillier seasons. In fact, in an effort to really focus on the positive, I decided to find inspiration from my gratitude journal (if you don't keep one of these, I highly recommend it), and make a list of all of my favorite things about keeping comfy and cozy during the winter. I thought it would be fun to share this list with you, and maybe if you're usually a warm weather person like me, it can bring a little contentment to the colder, darker days. 

The 5 Best Things About Cozy Season

1. A Warm Fireplace
It's winter's biggest cozy cliche, but seriously, who doesn't love the feeling of a warm fire on a cold day? My little ones and I love snuggling up by the fire, reading books, eating snacks, and just hanging out. Honestly, even just looking over at the fireplace brightens my mood. We light a fire almost every evening this time of year.

2. Campbells® Tomato Soup, Grilled Cheese, and Crackers
There is no meal that says cozy season deliciousness to me like a bowl of piping hot Campbell's® Tomato Soup, paired with Pepperidge Farm® Goldfish® Cheddar Crackers, and a grilled cheese made with Pepperidge Farm Farmhouse® Hearty White Bread and Kraft® Singles American Slices. The ultimate cold weather comfort food meal! Campbell's® Tomato soup is full of farm grown ripe tomatoes, is and absolutely delicious made with water or creamy milk. A true classic! Pepperidge Farm® Goldfish® Cheddar Crackers (aka my son's all-time favorite snack, as anyone who knows him is aware) adds the perfect crunch to the soup, and is baked with real cheddar cheese without any artificial flavors or preservatives. Pepperidge Farm Farmhouse® Hearty White bread is crafted from small batch recipes, and tastes just like the bread from our favorite local bakery. And Kraft® Single American Slices melt like no other with the creamiest, perfect-for-grilled cheese texture.

I make this yummy pairing as an after school snack for the kids a lot during this time of year, and it's a favorite for lunch and dinner as well. It only takes a few minutes to prepare, and it's perfectly soul warming on a cold day. Best of us, you can grab all of the ingredients on your next trip to Walmart or via

The 5 Best Things About Cozy Season

3. Blankets and Books
We have a big basket of blankets in our family room, and the whole family loves to cuddle up together under them and read books together. It's one of my favorite things to do all year, but during this season, it just feels extra comforting. Now that my daughter can read and enjoys reading to us, it's even more fun. And when we combine a reading session with our favorite cozy comfort food pairing of Campbell's® Tomato SoupPepperidge Farm® Goldfish® Cheddar Crackers, and grilled cheese made with Pepperidge Farm Farmhouse® Hearty White Bread and Kraft® Singles American Slices, we're basically in hygge heaven.

The 5 Best Things About Cozy Season

4. Sweaters and Hoodies
My closet is admittedly mostly full of summer sun dresses, but there is definitely something to be said for the comfort that comes along with a favorite sweater or hoodie during the chilly month. We pretty much live in them (along with fuzzy socks) this time of year. 

The 5 Best Things About Cozy Season

5. Family Time
It's the busiest time of year, but it's also the season when we intentionally carve out time to just be together. We snuggle up on the couch and watch movies as a family. We sit by the fire and tell dumb jokes. (My husband's dad jokes are something else. Wow.) We have family game night. And we enjoy meals together, our very favorite being - you guessed it - our beloved grilled cheese, tomato soup, and crackers. (Thank you Walmart for making it so easy to grab Campbell's® Tomato SoupPepperidge Farm® Goldfish® Cheddar Crackers,  Pepperidge Farm Farmhouse® Hearty White Bread and Kraft® Singles American Slices!) I work a lot (like, a lot) during November and December, but I always make sure to devote the weekends to this cozy family time. Nothing is more important.

What are you favorite things about cozy season? And in case you missed it above, you can grab all of the delicious food goodies I've shared here at your local Walmart store on  


Via Wellness

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