Friday, January 15, 2021

Cranberry Cucumber Vodka Spritzers

Cranberry Cucumber Vodka Spritzers

This week felt 8746 days long, and I for one am looking forward to some major relaxation this weekend. (I mean, as much as one can relax with a 5 and 7 year old running madly through the house. I love them so much, I swear, but man are those little babes loud.) I plan on kicking my feet up (even if just for a few minutes) and enjoying one of my favorite wintertime cocktails: a cranberry cucumber vodka spritzer. Recipe is below!

Cranberry Cucumber Vodka Spritzer
Servings: 1

1.5 fluid ounces cucumber vodka (I love Prairie Organic brand) 
4 fluid ounces organic cranberry juice, chilled
1 ounce simple syrup (equal parts parts sugar and water; instructions below)
Splash of soda/sparkling water, chilled
Organic cucumber slice (for garnish)
Organic orange slice (for garnish)
Fresh organic mint sprig (for garnish)
Organic cranberries (for garnish)

To make simple syrup, combine equal parts sugar and water in a medium sauce pan. (I recommend one cup of each so you have more on hand than enough for just one spritzer). Bring to a boil, stirring consistently until the sugar has dissolved. Allow to cool.

Combine cucumber vodka, organic cranberry juice, and simple syrup in a cocktail shaker and shake well. Fill a glass half way with ice cubes, and pour cocktail over ice. Top with a splash or two of soda. Garnish with a cucumber slice, an orange slice, a sprig of fresh mint, and few fresh cranberries.  

Cheers to a (hopefully) relaxing weekend!

Via Wellness

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