Thursday, February 4, 2021

How My New Year's Goals Are Going So Far

New Year's Goals Update
This post is in partnership with FAGE.

I've already mentioned a few times this year that I don't do new year's resolutions, but that small, attainable goals that allow me to be my best self are the way to go for me. I've also talked about the two most significant of these goals, which are to (1) make healthy choices with what foods I eat, and (2) go with the flow and allow myself to be present and content rather than constantly stressed, self-pressured, and stretched too thin. 

Now that we're a little ways into 2021, I thought I would hold myself accountable by checking in and telling you how those goals are going. 

How My New Year's Goals Are Going So Far
How My New Year's Goals Are Going So Far

Goal 1: Making good nutrition choices

I like to tell myself that I always make healthy food choices, but I know that it's ultimately not true. 2020 was a really freaking bizarre year, and to cope, I allowed myself to indulge in whatever I wanted to ingest most of the time. I think mentally this was what I needed those first few months, but after a while, it became a habit that left me feeling pretty crappy. Over the holidays, I really went for it with fried food, sugar, carbs, and booze. It was fun for a minute, but in the end, my body and brain didn't like it. 

I decided that on January 1st (my birthday!), I was going to turn things around. I knew from past experience that completely depriving myself of sugar always backfires, but cutting back on it in a big way was crucial. I also knew I needed more protein and healthy fats, especially as a vegetarian. I also needed to stay away from heavily processed foods. I decided to focus on some staple foods to boost nutrition: fresh leafy greens, fruits and vegetables, raw nuts, healthy grains, and FAGE Total Plain Greek Yogurt.

How My New Year's Goals Are Going So Far
How My New Year's Goals Are Going So Far
How My New Year's Goals Are Going So Far

I've shared a lot of recipes in the past that incorporate Greek yogurt, but FAGE Total 2% Plain has become my go-to both for recipes and by itself. FAGE Total 2% Plain is low-fat with the perfect balance of luxuriously creamy texture and rich flavor. (FAGE Total 2% Plain is my ride or die, but I also love FAGE Total 0% Plain, which is deliciously creamy while being fat-free, and FAGE Total 5% Plain, which is thick, creamy yumminess in every way!) It tastes so, so good, and also makes me feel good about consuming it regularly - in addition to being an incredible source of protein, it is all-natural, Non-GMO Project Verified, contains no added sugar, and is a good source of calcium. Score for hitting all the nutrition goal high notes!

For breakfast every morning, I eat FAGE Total 2% Plain with my coffee. It's genuinely delicious on its own, but I also like to top with bananas, blueberries, homemade granola and honey for an epic yogurt bowl. For lunch, I like to blend it with baby spinach, frozen pineapple, and frozen mangoes for a killer smoothie. (This is my kid's favorite too.) Sometimes I leave it extra thick and make a smoothie bowl topped with raw almonds or granola. So good! We often include FAGE Total 2% Plain in dinner too. It's a more health conscious alternative to sour cream, cream cheese, and mayonnaise. I use it in soups, salad dressings, as a sauce, and as a dip. FAGE Total 2% Plain mixed with chili powder, cumin, and garlic powder makes the most amazing taco dip I've ever had. I pair it with celery and carrots and it is truly everything. FAGE Total 2% Plain is also my staple snack for after yoga.

When you have health-conscious foods that you actually love to eat, making good nutrition choices is much easier. And so far, I feel that I'm succeeding.

How My New Year's Goals Are Going So Far
How My New Year's Goals Are Going So Far

Goal 2: Staying present, flexible, and content

Maybe this sounds like a lot to expect for myself, especially after saying I'm only working on small goals. But they're really just several concrete parts of the concept of self care. Every year, I tell myself I'm going to focus on self care, then find that it's too broad of an idea and that I need things broken down in order for them to work. So for 2021, I've been working on grounding myself in the present, learning to go with the flow (something 2020 already taught many of us to do), and being content with what comes my way instead of always feeling pressure to do more or be bigger or hustle harder. 

Over the past few weeks, I've found that one of the best ways to incorporate all of these things is to just sit alone for a few minutes and do something grounding that doesn't require a lot of thought or stimulation.
Sometimes, I just sit and do breathing exercises or a few yoga stretches. Other times I'll make lists of things I have to do and then break them down into simple tasks so they're not overwhelming. I also started to keep a simple gratitude list of phrases and words that describes things for which I'm thankful. These are all such helpful ways to stay present and to appreciate what I have instead of pressuring myself for more.

How My New Year's Goals Are Going So Far
How My New Year's Goals Are Going So Far

I'm doing well so far at being flexible too. If something comes my way for work or in life that I feel like will cause unnecessary anxiety, I am learning to say no instead of forcing myself to do it, which for a chronic overachiever is a huge step in terms of being flexible with myself. Or if something happens that is unexpected, instead of my immediate reaction being to freak out (which is what I've done most of my life), I have been allowing myself to accept it via self-reassurance that it will be okay. (Again, 2020 really prepared me, and so many of us, for this.)

I have also been taking time for myself, to paint my nails or read a new book or listen to my music (you know, instead of kids' songs on repeat). This is another way that FAGE Total 2% Plain has become a regular part of my new year routine. It provides the ideal snack to enjoy while I take this time, through a rich, creamy taste that I love and a fuel for my body from things it needs like protein, calcium, and probiotics through live active cultures. I love to put on my headphones, and enjoy a bowl of it plain or topped with blueberries and almonds. It's a wonderful snack to enjoy while I'm working too, or to throw in a smoothie and take on the go. FAGE Total 2% Plain is my 2021 self care bestie.

How My New Year's Goals Are Going So Far
How My New Year's Goals Are Going So Far
How My New Year's Goals Are Going So Far

All in all, my goals seem to be holding steady so far. I'm thinking I'll follow up with you guys again in a month or two and update you on my progress then. I really want to be accountable and continue to makes these healthy choices throughout the year so I can truly be my best self. 

FAGE Best Self

And speaking of best self, I wanted to also mention another incredible (and new!) FAGE product you should consider incorporating into your own health-conscious lifestyle this year, called FAGE BestSelf.  FAGE BestSelf is delicious, real dairy Greek yogurt without the lactose. It still has the creaminess and rich flavor of dairy with 100% natural ingredients, but it is unbelievably lactose free. So cool, right? Just like my beloved FAGE Total 2% Plain, FAGE BestSelf is protein-rich, low fat, Non-GMO Project Verified, and unbelievably tasty. It comes in several flavor varieties too, and will be available in stores everywhere soon. Keep your eye out, and let me know how you like it!

Thank you for letting me share my new year's goals progress with you and dive a little deeper into what has been working for me over these past few weeks. I'd love to hear what goals you've had and what's working for you as well! 

Via Wellness

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